eCosway is an online e-commerce company established
in 2001. It sells consumer products globally through an Internet shopping mall
promoted by Business Owners from all over the world. |
Cosway was established in 1979 as a direct selling
organization. It currently has hundreds of thousands of members selling consumer
products in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Mexico and the
Philippines. |
- Cosway is one of the parent companies of eCosway.
- eCosway has the same successful management team as
- Members of Cosway are not automatically Business
Owners of eCosway. If they wish to become Business Owners, they must contract
with eCosway.
- eCosway Business Owners are not automatically
members of Cosway. If they wish to join Cosway, they must reside in a
country/republic where Cosway is currently operating, and they must enroll as
- eCosway is a completely separate company from
- Lines of sponsorship need not be the same in Cosway
and eCosway.
How is eCosway different from e-commerce
sites that have failed?
Dot com failures are always due to lack of profitable
"traffic." In other words, commercial websites need to generate revenue somehow.
They either need to sell products online or they need to offer free services to
visitors and then sell the "eyeballs" or the visitor's attention to advertisers
for revenue. Most companies believed that if they just built and promoted a web
site, people would visit it and they would be profitable. With millions of
websites competing for visitor attention, very few of these companies ever got
the traffic and the revenue they needed to succeed. The business model simply
didn't work. A lot of money was spent designing, supporting and advertising
websites that never made good business sense in the first
eCosway is very different from all of those failed ventures.
Mutual Marketing™ doesn't depend on advertising to drive traffic or to succeed.
It is a win/win model that rewards Shoppers, Suppliers, and entrepreneurial
Business Owners for acting out of self-interest. It ensures traffic
by rewarding word of mouth, which has proven to be the most effective
strategy on the Internet. We have not one, but TWO powerful word of mouth
programs: Our Shopper Rewards Program (which includes an Amazing One Dollar
Auction); and a B.O.S.S. (Business Ownership Support System;). These two
programs guarantee that the eCosway mall has regular and profitable
How is
eCosway different from other online mall opportunities?
There are two different types of online "mall"
opportunities: Groups of shops and Affiliate malls. Both are quite different
from eCosway.
1. Groups of Shops:
Some companies that
design and/or host web sites group their clients together and showcase them on
one central "mall" website. This parallels the idea of a physical shopping mall
where lots of shops congregate under the same roof to take advantage of foot
traffic. In these cases, your income opportunity comes from selling the web
design and hosting services or "listings" in the online
eCosway's Global Online Shopping Mall differs from this model
because it is not a group of individual shops or websites. Using the physical
shopping analogy, eCosway would be more like a mega department store offering a
wide variety of products and services all under one roof. Merchandise is
sourced from many different suppliers and sold at eCosway.com. Your income
opportunity comes from sales made at your own branch of the eCosway Global
Online Shopping Mall and sales from any of the mall branches in your Global
2. Affiliate Malls:
Internet "malls" are comprised of links to other shopping sites on the Internet.
A company that sells (or better yet, gives) you one of these link malls has
contracted with each of these shopping sites to receive a sales commission
whenever a purchase comes through any of their link malls. This commission is
usually very small since the shopping sites are retailers--not suppliers
or wholesalers. The company organizing the affiliate mall then offers you an
income opportunity. If you can drive traffic through your link mall they will
pay you a fraction of the sales commission paid to them by the retailers. The
only problem is that the commissions, (which were small to begin with), are
minuscule when shared by so many people.
eCosway's Global Online
Shopping Mall differs from this model because we don't link to retailers.
We ARE the retailer. We don't split sales commissions given to us by
retailers, we payout profits from the difference between wholesale and retail
prices. We have an entire department of buyers who search the world for
unique and popular products and negotiate the best possible wholesale prices.
This enables us to price our merchandise competitively enough to excite
shoppers, and still have enough profit to pay good sales commissions to our
Business Owners.
Important Note: Many
companies offering link malls charge a large sign-up fee, or sell the malls
themselves as products. Whether any customers actually shop from these link
malls is basically immaterial to the income opportunity because everyone earns
big commissions on the initial sign-ups or mall purchases. This set up has been
determined to be a pyramid scheme in many countries. At least one well known
company has already been stopped by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) of the
U.S. for running this scheme. eCosway, on the other hand, does NOT pay
commissions on its small joining fee; and all commissions paid to Business
Owners are based on the retail sales of real products to end-consumers.
eCosway's model passes all of the legal challenges put forth by recent court
battles regarding the difference between legitimate businesses or pyramid
 How is eCosway different from Multi-Level
Marketing or Network Marketing opportunities?
Network Marketing or "Multi-Level Marketing"
companies generally have one or more features that differ greatly from eCosway's
Mutual Marketing Model.
1. Over-Priced Products– Many Network Marketing
companies offer products priced much higher than similar products in retail
stores. The reason for this is simple-these companies focus more on recruiting
and paying distributors than they do on offering consumer value or on being
competitive in the marketplace. These companies know that as long as
distributors are making money, they will buy the product themselves (no matter
the price) and will get their friends and family members to buy it too. This is
problematic for several reasons.
- Consumers resent being over-charged for products, so
distributors have a hard time getting and keeping retail customers.
- Since 1999, a company that only has its distributors
or members buying the product (and not retail customers who aren't involved in
the income opportunity) can be considered a pyramid scheme by the U.S.
- Distributors who don't make enough money with the
income opportunity soon drop out and stop buying the product because they can't
afford it.
eCosway does NOT manufacture or private label products in
order to price them higher than similar items in retail stores. eCosway
sources high quality products from around the world (many are well known brand
names) and prices them at or below retail so that consumers can buy products
they already want - at prices they already expect to pay.
- eCosway customers don't have to pay higher prices
just so that distributors can make money off of them.
- eCosway Business Owners don't have to justify higher
prices or take advantage of friends and relatives.
- Shoppers want to buy the products whether they are
interested in an income opportunity or not. This ensures long-term income
stability for both eCosway and its Business Owners.
2. Products With Limited Appeal—Many Network
Marketing companies offer only a small range of products that appeal to a
certain group of people. Often these products are expensive nutritional or
weight loss products. The expensive nature of these products limits the market
and increases the need for justifying why they are worth more than cheaper
brands sold in stores. Other companies offer "miracle" products (for health, for
beauty, for cars, for finances, etc.). These require a lot of explaining because
people have to be convinced that they need such products, and they have to
believe that the "miracle" will happen. eCosway, on the other
hand, offers thousands of exciting and popular products. Shoppers can buy brand
name items that they already know and love, and discover exotic new things they
can't buy anywhere else. In either case, shoppers don't require a lot of
convincing and the website does all of the explaining.
3. Geographical Constraints—Network Marketing
companies are usually geographically restricted to the countries/republics where
they have filed all appropriate paperwork, established a headquarters and set up
either a manufacturing plant or a product distribution center. This makes
international expansion a slow and cumbersome process. Since the business is
primarily done "offline," distributors from these companies usually have to
travel to new countries/republics that are "opening up" in order to personally
find and recruit citizens of that country/republic. eCosway, on the other hand, is a truly global and wholly online
opportunity with no geographical restrictions other than those posed by
governments on their own citizens. From the moment you become an eCosway
Business Owner, you can start attracting shoppers and other Business Owners from
all over world. eCosway's B.O.S.S. (Business Ownership Support System) helps you
do just that!
4. Time Consuming & Costly Activities-It's
extremely difficult to succeed in most Network Marketing companies unless you
are willing to invest a lot of money in marketing materials and marketing
campaigns and then put in a lot of time and effort attending meetings,
explaining products, placing orders, doing paperwork, and training your
eCosway, on the other hand, can be done completely online
any time of day or night so it takes much less time and can easily fit into even
the tightest of schedules. Your online office, network statistics and all of the
training resources and marketing materials are available online 24 hours per day
5. Unreasonable Compensation Plans-Most
Network Marketing companies structure their compensation plans in such a way
that either pay:
- "Big and Fast" (These are usually pyramid schemes
disguised as Network Marketing companies.)
- "Hard and Heavy" (These are very difficult plans for
the average part-timer but are they are very lucrative for "heavy hitters" who
do make it.)
- "Spread Out and Limited" (These plans pay a
reasonable amount of money to a larger number of people, but they rarely offer
big income potential to those willing and able to really "go for it.")
eCosway, on the other hand, offers a unique Profit Plan
- Pays profits quickly while you are building your
network (thanks to a very special feature called "ISO"-Initial Sale Offer).
- Pays 12-28% retail profit on all of the eVolume
generated by your entire Shopper Network.
- Pays handsome overriding profit and branch
performance incentive on unlimited numbers of Business Owner Branches in your
- Allows you complete control over the placement of
eVolume-giving you the ability to maximize your profits each month.
- Allows you to put eVolume in reserve so that you can
"auto-qualify" each month for profit payout when you're taking a break.
Mutual Marketing™ differs fundamentally from Network
Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing. The business model is mutually beneficial
for so many more people. Shoppers win with great products at great prices (VERY
rare in Network Marketing). Suppliers, both big and small, from all over the
world, win with access to loyal international customers (almost UNHEARD of in
Network Marketing). Business Owners win with a genuine opportunity to create a
safe second income without risking large sums of time or money and without
risking their jobs or reputations (a welcomed change). eCosway wins because of
the long-term stability provided by happy suppliers, satisfied shoppers and
prosperous Business Owners!
How is eCosway different from other online
income opportunities?
There are many opportunities for making money on the
Internet. Almost anything you can think of which is profitable "offline" could
probably be translated to an online business if you do it right. But most of
these opportunities require that you be an extraordinary entrepreneur and that
you blaze trails into unknown territory. Most require that you either already
possess or need to hire technological expertise. Most require that you have
great skill in marketing-especially marketing on the Internet. Most require that
you be extremely savvy and competitive since your prospects can, with the click
of a button, see your competitor's activities and prices.
eCosway is
different from these opportunities in one very important way - We've already
done all the homework, laid all the groundwork, blazed the "1st Mover" trail,
and paid the multi-million dollar price to establish a solid business and a
fantastic Business Ownership Support System for you!
How is
eCosway different from online scams?
There are many "income opportunities" out there which are
scams. Most are relatively easy to spot, but some actually look like legitimate
opportunities. eCosway has nothing in common with these scams. If you think that
there are similarities, please look more closely. As you examine the relevant
issues, you'll see how the eCosway difference makes all the difference in the
world! Please do your due diligence. We are confident that eCosway will pass
with flying colors under close scrutiny.
Please also see How is eCosway
different from pyramid schemes?
How is
eCosway different from an affiliate program?
Affiliate programs are
quite popular on the Internet. "Hyperlinks" have revolutionized the old
fashioned process of "referring business." Now, with the click of a mouse, a
person can be sent from one site to another. There are clear "travel" logs that
let site owners know exactly where business came from. This creates a very
obvious income opportunity for anyone who can set up a website which drives
customers to other sites that pay commissions for referrals. Many of the most
popular sites on the Internet are willing to pay commissions to anyone for
sending business their way. However, there are a few limitations to this model.
If you want to earn a serious income:
1. |
You need to have a website that gets
traffic in order to send that traffic elsewhere. |
2. |
The people you attract to your website
have to be from demographic categories compatible with the sites you refer them
to. (If you attract dog lovers, it's not likely that they will click through and
buy from a cat food site!) This isn't always an easy match since you may or may
not know very much about the people who visit your site. |
3. |
The people who visit your site may or may
not easily become paying customers of the sites you link to. If e-commerce
doesn't happen, e-commissions aren't paid! |
4. |
Most affiliate commissions are very small,
so you need a whole lot of sales to earn a decent income. To make matters worse,
many sites are cutting back or completely cutting off their affiliate programs
in the current "dot crunch" recession. |
5. |
Most affiliate programs do not pay
residual commissions on the future purchases of customers who originally came
from your site. You constantly have to send new customers if you want a steady
stream of income. |
eCosway has nothing in common with affiliate
programs. Our shoppers and Business Owners do indeed get rewarded for
"referrals" but we have a very different business model. With affiliate programs
you are "on your own" and are simply rewarded if you happen to make profit for
someone else. With eCosway, you are in business for yourself, but not by
yourself. You are part of a global network of people working together in a
win/win way. The eCosway income opportunity is a turn-key Business Ownership
System. Everything is already set up for you. All you have to do is Go For It!
THE INFORMATION IS FROM:http://www.ecosway.com/ecosway/en_US/different0207.jsp#1 |